Monday, February 17, 2014


Hey kids, how cool is this?

Special delivery tonight via UPS: a box of ARCs of the US edition of Alias Hook! (Coming soon from Thomas Dunne Books.)

They used to call these "galleys," back in the day, the uncorrected reading proof of the ms sent out to book reviewers to generate some word-of-mouth before the actual publication date. I used to read galleys all the time, back when I reviewed books for the SF Chron.

It's very exciting to see my name on one!

If you kind of squint, you can see a dark little kitty paw in the lower right hand corner. That would be Roma, the tortie cat. She and her sister, Bella, were very interested in this event. They couldn't wait for us to dump out all that junk so they could play with the box!

Let me know if you're a book critic or book blogger who would like to read Alias Hook. The more word-of-mouth (or blog) the better! If you're a normal person, the book is available for pre-order from  Bookshop Santa Cruz and Amazon.

Okay, time to go crack open the champagne!

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